Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Beginning of Blogging...

So, today is the day that I embark on my blogging experience. I had toyed with the idea in the past, but didn't really know how to get started, or by what means I would get my word out to the general blogging and web-surfing community. By claiming that I wanted to get my word out might imply some agenda on my part, but I assure you that my comments are void of any such persuasiveness. The comments that I will make on this forum will be to the outside observer empty of meaning, and most likely of little or no consequence to even my closest of friends. I like to ramble, and more specifically write, and this will be my outlet!

And so it came to be, "Cul-de-sacs to Cornfields" was created. After talking with my fiance weeks back about creating a blog, she asked (to paraphrase), "What's your topic? What would you blog about?" My response, in quintessential form, "I don't know." I didn't even know you had to have a topic to blog about. Do you? Perhaps you do, to which I say, this blog will probably offer no enjoyment or entertainment to you other than hearing about my daily (or weekly... monthly) encounters and thoughts. I assure you, they will not be all that exciting, but I will talk if you will listen (er. read).

However, just maybe there is a topic to my blog, and it's in the title. "Cul-de-sacs to Cornfields" is the story of my life, demographically. Born in the suburbs of our nation's capital, I lived in one of those communities that acted more like mazes to an outsider. Filled with dead-ends in the form of cul-de-sacs, it was a visual depiction of "Oops! Ran out of land to build on, time to turn around". I might speak of these communities with a tone of resentment, but that is not the case. For all of the developers' greedy self interest that went into constructing these communities... I loved it! The proximity of my closest friends was a luxury that I under appreciated at the time. They were days that I would not change. Not in a million years.

Which brings us to "Cornfields". After university studies, and a couple of 'winding roads' I find myself an eight-year resident of the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Part of the Delmarva peninsula, the region (at least Caroline County) is dominated, if not sustained by an agricultural economy. A far cry from the maze laden communities of the suburbs, the area where neighborly visits often requires motorized transportation offers a tranquil setting, where a ten mile commute to work actually takes just ten minutes. Not without its faults, I have come to call this place 'Home', and my fiance who bleeds 'John Deere Green' will forever remind me of its undeniable, and sometimes under appreciated intrinsic value.

Around here, people refer to individuals such as myself as "transplants" (sometimes with a negative connotation attached). And so my blogging begins...


  1. If blogs needed a "topic" I'd be in trouble. Anyway, starting was the easy part. Hope you keep it going.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement! We'll see how I do.
